

front-end developer / 躺平的一只🐻

My 2022

The end of the 22nd year has come in the blink of an eye, and it's time to write the year-end summary again. The last blog post was still last year's year-end summary, I really am a blogger who only updates once a year. As I get older, I also become lazier. So this year, I'll just write something casually.


After the beginning of the year, I already had the idea of leaving my job. So after spending two months solving coding problems in my spare time, I started looking for a new job. I interviewed with 5 companies, passed the interviews with 2 major domestic companies, and the remaining 3 foreign companies either rejected me after the first interview or didn't proceed with the hiring process after the interview. So, to summarize, I didn't get a chance to interview with any of the companies I wanted to join :( The market environment this year is very bad, with companies either reducing their workforce or laying off employees. Fortunately, one company offered me a satisfactory salary increase. After receiving the offer, I resigned and left ByteDance in the middle of the year.

Actually, leaving ByteDance wasn't as happy as I imagined. Apart from the low salary and high work pressure, everything else was great (including the atmosphere and benefits). After starting at the new company in June, I already wanted to leave on the first day :( But because the market is not good, there weren't many good opportunities, so I stayed. Now, half a year has passed at the new company. If I have to evaluate the new company, apart from the salary advantage, I am very dissatisfied with everything else. There are too many shortcomings, but I won't write about them in detail.

As for expectations for next year, I hope I can seize any good opportunities that come my way. But I will also go with the flow, after all, it's not easy to find a good company and team. There will always be some dissatisfaction, because work is never completely comfortable.


After my birthday this year, I experienced my first romantic relationship, bidding farewell to 24 years of solo life. Life has changed a lot because of it. I have traveled to many places and eaten at many delicious restaurants with my girlfriend. We have also watched many TV shows and videos together. I feel like I have been living in a bubble of happiness. It's completely different from when I was working and living alone in Beijing. Every day, I am immersed in happiness and joy.

I hope next year I can go to Shanghai Disneyland with my girlfriend, and if conditions allow, I also want to visit Japan. And of course, I want to eat more delicious food and visit all the places I want to go and take pictures. And then, sleep more.

Expectations for the 23rd year#

  • Save more money and continue to study investment. I hope to live a life without having to work as soon as possible.
  • Follow my heart and live the life I want.


Play more, eat more, sleep more, and take care of myself.

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